CELEBRATION 6.3.18 | moment

Many years ago, my sister and I visited the World Trade Center. While standing in line waiting our turn to take the elevator up, the guy in front of us turned around and became part of our conversation. Having spent so many hours with each other, we welcomed his French accent and friendly attempt to keep up with our sister speak.

When it was our turn to snap the obligatory over-priced tourist photo they would attempt to sell us, the photographer mistakenly thought all three of us were together and captured our awkward chance meeting.

To this day, my sister and I regret not paying for that photo, but perhaps the moment has remained so vividly in our memories partially because it was not captured for us.

In the midst of our encounter, the French stranger turned to my sister and me and said six words we have often repeated (with poor imitations of his accent, to boot) over the years: This is a good moment, no? 

It is such a simple sentiment--This is a good moment--but to stop within a moment and recognize its inherent goodness is not simple at all. Rather, it is a skill I have been chasing for years. It requires s l o w i n g down and really BEing.

Traditionally, summer is a time when I am closest to catching up to the lesson that French stranger taught me so many years ago.

Last night, I felt my first good moment of the summer, and life was slow enough that I was able to recognize it while in the midst. My husband and I were at a Chicago FIRE soccer game. Just the two of us. I lost myself in the experience of being at the game with Mark.

Here's to a summer filled with good moments and the peaceful wisdom to notice them!


  1. Hi Christy! It's nice to read your words again! Your post links so beautifully to Terje's mindfulness words & to Ramona's "ritual of ordinary time". I love hearing about your memory of that "moment", a good one, no?

  2. Being here, reading your words, this is a good moment. I'm happy that you are writing again. I have missed you.


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